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Nature Travel

China Pheasants Postcard of AbsolutePanda

There are many unique pheasants in china.Here we are happy to select some special species for you,namely Golden Pheasant,Tibetan Eared Pheasant,Blue Eared Pheasant  White Eared Pheasant, Blood Pheasant ,Temminck’s Tragopan,Chestnut-throated Partridge  ,Koklass Pheasant ,Rusty-necklaced Partridge,Chinese Monal ,and so on.

Photo by Philip He 摄影 何承安
血雉: 雉科,血雉屬。體小(46釐米),似鶉類,具矛狀長羽,冠羽蓬鬆,臉與腿猩紅,翼及尾沾紅的雉種。
分佈于西藏、青海、甘肅、四川、陝西及雲南海拔3200~4700 米處。地方性常見鳥。
Blood Pheasant (Ithaginis cruentus): Smallish (46cm) partridge-like pheasant with long lanceolate feathers, floppy crest and scarlet skin on face, scarlet legs and red in wing and tail.
Himalayas, Tibetan Plateau and C China from 3200-4700m. Forms small to large flocks that forage over mossy forest floor among rhododendrons in subalpine conifer forests.

Photo by Philip He 摄影 何承安
藍馬雞: 雉科,馬雞屬。體大(95釐米)的藍灰色馬雞。具黑色天鵝絨式頭蓋,猩紅色眼周裸皮及白色髭須延長成耳羽簇。
Blue Eared Pheasant (Crossoptilon auritum) Large (95cm) bluish-grey pheasant with black velvety cap, scarlet bare orbital area and white moustachial stripe extending into long ‘ear’ tufts.
Endemic to C China. Lives in small parties in open alpine meadows and juniper-rhododendron scrub at high altitude.

Photo by Philip He 摄影 何承安
雉鶉: 雉科,雉鶉屬。體大(48釐米)的鶉類。中國西部特有,全球性近危,地方性不罕見。
Chestnut-throated Partridge (Tetraophasis obscurus): Large (48cm) greyish-brown partridge with grey breast streaked black. C. China. Globally Near-threatened.
Locally not uncommon. Found in rocky mountains from treeline up to 46—m in Min and Qionglai Mts of Sichuan and Qilian Mts along Qinghai-Gansu border.

Photo by Yang Jun 摄影 杨军
Chinese Monal (Lophophorus lhusii) Male: large (76cm) shimmering purple pheasant with green head and golden nape. Endemic to C China. Globally Vulnerable.
Lives in upper conifer zone of sub-alpine forests and bushes in alpine zone above treeline. Found singly or in small groups scratching about for food in alpine meadows.

Photo by Ma Wenhu 摄影 马文虎
紅腹錦雞: 雉科,錦雞屬。雄鳥:體型顯小但修長(98釐米),頭頂及背有耀眼的金色絲狀羽;枕部披風為金色並具黑色條紋。
中國中部特有種,全球性近危,見於海拔800~1600 米,偶上至2800 米。
Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus): Male: smallish but elongate (98cm) dazzling pheasant with golden-plumed crown and back.
Endemic to C China.Common from 800-1600m, rarely up to 2800m.
Singly or in small parties, favouring scrubby hillsides and secondary forests in subtropical broadleaf forest and deciduous broadleaf forest. 

Photo by Ma Wenhu 摄影 马文虎
勺雞: 雉科,勺雞屬。體大(61釐米)而尾相對短的雉類。具明顯的飄逸型耳羽束。
Koklass Pheasant ( Pucrasia macrolopha): Large (61cm) relatively short-tailed pheasant with distinctive long trailing ‘ear-tufts’.
Himalayas to C and E China.Usually alone or in pairs. Prefers open, rocky forests, usually with pines and rhododendrons..

Photo by Libin 摄影 李斌
大石雞: 雉科,石雞屬。中等體型(38釐米)。不常見,棲于青海東部至甘肅祁連山脈海拔1800~3500 米的山地及丘陵地帶。
Rusty-necklaced Partridge (Alectoris magna): Medium-sized (38cm).
Uncommon in hills and mountains of E Qinghai into Gansu in Qilian Mts from 1800-3500m.
Inhabits barren plateau and rocky mountains and gorges. Lives in small parties.

Photo by Ma Wenhu 摄影 马文虎
Temminck’s Tragopan (Tragopan temminckii): Large (68cm) short-tailed pheasant.
E Himalayas to N Burna, NW Tonkin (Vietnam) and C China from 2000-3900m.
Lives singly or in family parties on floor of subalpine forests. Not Shy. Roosts in low branches.
Male inflates throat lappet in display and erects bluish ‘horn’ wattles. When fully inflated the throat lappet is patterned blue and red.

Photo by Philip He 摄影 何承安
藏馬雞: 雉科,馬雞屬。體大(86釐米)的近灰色馬雞。青藏高原東南部特有種,邊緣性見於相鄰的印度東北部。
Tibetan Eared Pheasant (Crossoptilon harmani): Large (86cm) greyish pheasant with white ‘ears’.
Endemic to SE Tibetan Plateau and marginally into adjacent N$ India.
Lives in small flocks in juniper and rhododendron scrub and alpine scrub and meadows from 2400-5000m.

Photo by Philip He 摄影 何承安
白馬雞: 雉科,馬雞屬。體大(80釐米)的白色馬雞。分佈于青藏高原東南部至中國中部。棲于海拔3000~4000米林線灌叢。
White Eared Pheasant (Crossoptilon crossoptilon) : Large(80cm) white pheasant with black floppy plumous tail.
SE Tibetan Plateau to C China. Lives in scrub at treeline from 3000-4000m. Lives in small flocks, feeding in grassy clearings.


