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Adventure Tour

Wildlife Tracking

Snow Leopard: The pelage ground color is a uniformly light gray scattered with black rings or spots. The venter is white. Tail is very long and quite thick, and legs seem disproportionately short. Found in high mountains, generally between 3000 and 4500m and occasionally as high as 5500m.

The Giant Panda Bears大熊猫 are solitary animals. It is very hard to see them in the wild. So for most tourists, Giant Pandas in the wild remain as a myth. Lots of people are always curious about how pandas and their companion animals live in the wild and want to know more about their natural lives. To help people get more about life of wild panda, AbsolutePanda has carefully planned Panda tracking program jointly with Panda reserves.

Looking for wild panda 

We found a wild panda's poo

Golden monkey

Red panda


Golden pheasant

Wild Yak

Tibetan Macaque

Moon Bear


Last one: The First

Next one: Qinghaihu Lake biking


